Fast and reliable global HR legal support

Timely international employment law advice within your everyday HR function, via a single point of contact

Solving employee relations challenges and executing business actions is a broad and varied workload.

We know you often need to resolve everyday HR problems quickly and may not have time to be immersed in the fine details. We understand our clients’ HR functions and their workforce, and can provide quick and relevant support on any HR matter, anywhere in the world.

MDR ONE saves you the time and inconvenience of contacting different lawyers in different countries with your routine people matters. We are your trusted primary advisor and one point of contact, wherever in the world an HR issue arises – from a collective agreement query in Australia, to a complex termination in Canada. We’ve probably handled it before many times, so whatever the issue, we will have a practical answer for you.

We can also support your HR team with more complex HR issues – whether the complexity comes from the people or jurisdictions involved, or the size of the actions.

How we help


With offices in London and Singapore and our global reach, we work within multiple time zones and carefully schedule interactions to make the best use of your time.


We understand the need for urgency. We will quickly and clearly advise and support you on your pressing HR decisions.


We will share our experience of advising on a vast range of complex people matters around the world. However complex the issue, we’ve almost certainly dealt with it before.


We are business advisors, as well as international employment lawyers. We focus on providing practical solutions and risk mitigation, not overly complex legal advice.


We see ourselves as an extension of your HR function. Clients tell us we are easy to deal with – and always approachable.

Case Study

Streamlining immigration workflows for short term business travel to Europe

Making arrangements for UK employees to work in Europe on short term assignments or business trips hasn’t been made any easier by Brexit.

Talk to us

Get in touch with the MDR ONE team to find out how we can support your HR function.