A complex multi-jurisdictional project handled with ease

MDR ONE international counsel model flexes to cover HR projects large and small. Working in tandem with in-house legal and HR teams on a global workforce transition project, we saved time and money by simplifying complexity and streamlining processes.

Implementing sweeping changes to your global workforce is easier said than done – with a desire for worldwide consistency often clashing with the complex web of local legal nuance. Discover how the MDR ONE model delivered efficiencies for a major corporate restructuring involving 17 jurisdictions.

A complex multi-jurisdictional project handled with ease

Read our case study.

Resource Centre

UK – Paternity Leave (Bereavement) Act 2024 passed into law

How does the Act change the law? Under the current law, statutory paternity leave lasts up to two weeks and the employee must  (1) have been continuously employed for 26 weeks by the qualifying date (which is around the 26th week of pregnancy in birth or surrogacy cases, and the week when they are matched

Poland – New Act on the protection of whistleblowers

To whom does the Act apply? The headcount threshold is assessed as of 1 January or 1 July of a given year and includes employees and persons performing paid work on a basis other than employment. No threshold applies to companies conducting financial, transport safety and environmental protection activities, who must have an internal whistleblowing

Chile – Law changes on sexual and workplace harassment

What are the changes? There are a number of changes introduced by this new law, which include (but are not limited to): Broadened definition of harassment – the law expands the definition of workplace harassment to include any kind of aggression or harassment that may “undermine, mistreat or humiliate a person or affect his or

UAE – New Mental Health Law and employers’ obligations

Who is protected under the Mental Health Law? The Mental Health Law applies to individuals who are diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder. Under the Mental Health Law, this means any person who has disturbances in thinking, mood, behaviour, perception, memory, or other mental abilities which can lead to a defect in the social, employment, or
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